Irish Mountain
Running Association

Colleges Champs Camaderry

Gerry BradyJan 18 2012, 11:38pmThe 2012 Colleges race is on Camaderry on 24th March. Details on web page. Can students please spread the word in their colleges. Note venue is subject to receiving a WMNP permit.
John GreeneMar 17 2012, 6:41pmdo you need volunteers for this race?
not eligible to race but will be out that way Sat so can on the summit for you if need be?

John GreeneMar 17 2012, 6:42pm*stand (on summit)
Gerry BradyMar 17 2012, 8:02pmThanks John, a few more volunteers would be helpful, especially a photographer and first aid.
John GreeneMar 17 2012, 8:57pmI can take a few snaps at the summit but they may not meet the John Shiels standard.
Gerry BradyMar 24 2012, 7:34pmRace report, and photos from John Greene uploaded. Photos on flickr: