Irish Mountain
Running Association


Douglas BarryJun 25 2012, 12:57pmAnybody having trouble uploading photos to the website?
I've split my zip files to well under 10MB and yet I'm still getting the churning symbol. In addition, there's a download page showing temp files appearing which never did before. Is this a new thing that everyone gets?
Mick HanneyJun 25 2012, 12:59pmDouglas,
I usually have similar issues. They can be addressed by reducing any files to less than 2MB. Its a bit of a pain but it works.
Michael StokerJul 2 2012, 11:50amIs anyone else finding that when they are tagged in a photo it no longer shows up in your photo folder in myIMRA?
John ShielsJul 2 2012, 12:21pmCouple of issues here. the uploading problem is best resolved by keeping the files under 3Mb unless you have very fast broad band. With Meteor mobile broadband I was able to upload 10Mb files this morning but this only seems to work because I was getting 14MbS/sec speeds.

There is an option on the "MyIMRA" profile to tick "only show photos I'm tagged in to IMRA members" (or something similar). If this is selected the images "dissapear" after been tagged if you are not logged in to MyIMRA.
Michael StokerJul 2 2012, 2:50pmSorted. Thanks John