Irish Mountain
Running Association

Base and Race Points - explanation?

S.M. GriffithSep 28 2014, 8:44pmGreetings,

I would be most grateful if someone could explain the meaning of race and base points, which has been perplexing me for sometime now.

Many thanks
Peter O'FarrellSep 29 2014, 7:36amBase and race points are and were an attempt to use a metric with more meaning than simple "percentage of winner" which can be skewed by the winner being a savage. Base points smooth out the effect of the winner by taking an average of a proportion of the entire field as the "Base Point"

Everyone understood percentage of winner. Very few understand base points. I think I know how they work and still cannot use them to see how anyone has done in a race. They have not served their purpose.

Race points add a layer of subjectivity to the base points and serve no purpose.
Brendan LawlorSep 29 2014, 10:01am

But you'll be none the wiser - none of us are
S.M. GriffithSep 29 2014, 1:05pmMuch obliged for your responses... I appreciate your efforts to explain them. You are right though- I am none the wiser.

On the plus side, I feel exempt from having to understand them and free to remain in blissful ignorance. Additionally, I will save energy by ceasing to ask people to explain the inexplicable.

Many thanks- karmic brownie points going both of your ways.
Val JonesSep 29 2014, 8:14pmCall me a nerd but I like the base points. It gives you a better idea how you might be improving or declining from week to week, and year to year. I suppose it really only works where there's a big field, such as Leinster league. But it isn't skewed by who wins or conditions on the day. Race points I'm not so sure about, unless you're going to use them for league placings. As for enduro points, thanks Brendan for posting the link to the explanation again, I had forgotten what they are supposed to be.