Irish Mountain
Running Association

Fallen friends

Tom BlackburnDec 18 2017, 4:27pmI have been involved in Mountain Running for a good number of years now and over the years we have had some great men and women who have passed away. This year in particular we have been hit hard with the passing of Michael (Curley) Cunningham and also the death of Dermot Mooran both from Munster and the death of Adrian Tucker in Leinster. They were all great friends to us all and maybe it is as we get older it seems to hit us harder.
Adrian was a great guy but the one I would have known least as I only spoke to him on a couple of occasions, but he was involved in running for a long time and just wanted to help in every way.
Dermot who very few people at national will know was actually Munster Vice chair one year he traveled the country and ran every race he could get to he wasn't the fastest runner but he loved the sport and wanted to help to grow the sport in any he could. After a heart attack at the indoor track in Nenagh he gave up running but still was active in training his local camogy team he was also very involved with the turf cutters in North Clare and south Galway. He also was involved with the local walking groups and on one of these walks he got another Heart attack and passed away.
Michael (curley ) Cunningham and myself were club mates and good friends, Curley loved to run and boy did he do his fair share of it. He was a great friend and even a greater runner. When he got Cancer it was a shock to all of us but he fought the good fight and we lost him after a long and hard battle.
It was a privilege to have known these great men and to have battled with them on hills and roads both here and abroad, I will miss them and as the year draws to a close I look forward to a New year making new friends on those hills and plenty new battles and rivaly.

Happy Christmas and a happy New Year.
Mick HanneyDec 18 2017, 7:17pmLovely words Tom, well said. Many happy returns to you and all our running community. See you on the hills.
Tony SullivanDec 20 2017, 12:52pmWell said Tom. Hope to see you all next year for more adventures.