Irish Mountain
Running Association

Marking flags

Gordon PlaceDec 27 2019, 3:19pmHi Committee,
Just a note after using the marking flags today instead of tape, and thanks to Paul for the loan of them. Gavan has them to return to you.
Feedback seemed to be very good from everyone, seems they were very easy to see. We went with the instruction that 3 to 4 very close together signified a turn on the side the flags were on, and turn on the last flag, with no problems.
Marking was much quicker and demarking was a doddle, way way quicker than trying to untie tape from gorse etc. and could be done without even stopping.
Met loads of others out and they knew straight away there was a race instead of asking what the tape was for. I think tampering would be far less likely as they look more 'official', particularly if branded. And finally, there was no waste whatsover afterwards.
Richard NunanDec 27 2019, 3:29pmHi Gordon,

Thanks for the feedback, great to hear - we have a bit of tape to work our way through before we can purchase similar type race equipment.

Gordon PlaceDec 27 2019, 10:45pmHi Richard, Committee,
I was going to email but maybe others would like to row in one way or the other?
I realize there's a stockpile but maybe it could be eventually used up in certain circumstances, or someone else might even have a use for it.
Someone must be paying for the bulked up bags for dumping, I don't know how many bin bags are in a roll but seems an ongoing waste of money. Even trying to reuse the tape, which is a pain in the neck, and not advised on the IMRA course marking evenings this year, you end up with a pile. Worst case, even getting rid of a box versus umpteen bags, it seems wrong to continue with a bad practice if there's a better option available. I thought I'd heard there might be a sponsor for the flags which would not cost anything short term, if true.
Waste aside, considering the ease of marking and demarking, the major time saving, and the reusability, maybe we should just cut our losses? It might have been a good one for the AGM but didn't think of it
Richard NunanDec 27 2019, 10:59pmHi Gordon,

Just for info , It was discussed as at the last committee meeting and what I mention was the outcome. Next meeting is the 21st Jan.

Gordon PlaceDec 28 2019, 11:08amThanks Richard