Irish Mountain
Running Association

Wicklow Way Relay




Find results below

<a href="">Leg1 Result</a>
<P><a href="">Leg2 Result </a>
<P><a href="">Leg3 Result </a>
<a href="">Leg4 Result</a>
<a href="">Leg5 Result</a>
<a href="">Leg6 Result</a>
<a href="">Leg7 Result</a>
<a href="">Leg8 Result</a>
<a href="">Total Team Result</a>
<a href=" 2007 result.htm">Total Team Result and Leg Results by Time</a>
<a href=" 2002-2007.xls"> List of all previous Teams and Finishing Times including 2007</a>.

This is not a report on the WWR as such. Hopefully someone will put a few words together later. In spite of a few missed changeovers and runners being chased by bulls (should that be cows) the weather made for a funday out for most. Rather what follows is a few thoughts on the working of the WWR while they are fresh in my mind.

<B> Mini Mass Starts</B> These are generally not liked by runners and make doing the results difficult. However they or an alternative (see below) are needed. With out them the last team would have arrived in Shillelagh at 7.30pm and Henny would have been at the Derry River from 12.45 to 18.05 (as it was he was there until 5.30). This is too much to ask a marshall to do. For most of the latter period they would be there on their own. An alternative would be to have no mini mass start but one major mass start in Drumgoff. Pick a time, inform all runners and allow nobody to start after this time. It is a much more convivial spot to ask a marshall to wait for the stragglers.

<B> Prize Giving</B> Prize Giving was at 5.00. This was a compromise. The winning teams were there since 2.30 and some were anxious to be off, support people with some of the slower teams had not arrived by then. No matter what time you pick you are not going to suit everyone. I think the best thing to do would be to announce in advance when it would be.

<B> Team List</B> I have always allowed team changes to be made right up to point of departure. I think this is sensible taking into account the nature of the event with the difficulty of getting 8 fit runners together in any one day. The running list on the site is updated the night before the event however there are inevitable changes overnight. A high proportion of those I imagine could be communicated to me earlier and many changed runners do not communicate that change to the finish marshall and then wonder why their name in not correct in the results. Some teams change their running order or personnel when they see the opposition. In my view this is just good strategy but would not be allowed in a more competitive situation. To disallow this would involve no team changes after a certain date and that would cause problems with injured runners and would radically alter the nature of the event.

<B> Team Leaders</B> I deal mainly through the team leaders and they get more briefings that the rest of you see on the forum. They sign a form that they have read, understand and agree with the rules. Consider the following a runner due to start leg8 did not know his team number, team name, incoming runner?s name. I think it safe to assume he had not reccied his route. The fault here lies with the team leader.